This page references resources using “A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) IETF RFC 5141. A Uniform Resource Name (URN) is in essence “a persistent, location-independent resource identifier.
” –IETF RFC 8141. This enables reference to the same items, regardless of how it is provided.
For example, urn:iso:std:iso:20022:-1:ed-2:v1:en is the URN for the ISO20022:2013 metamodel, which is part 1 of edition 2 version 1 in english.
links to the metamodel specification on ISO’s online browsing platform.
links to our page about the metamodel.
We use this location to define or use and interpretation of the URNs.
NB. Our current publishing system accepts and strips colons from URLs.